Kamis, 12 Juli 2018

Part 1

13-07-2018 at 13:18 pm

Today I was open my facebook...
I have a lover on social media and It was my first time I fall in love with him, I don't know why.
Every night Im always dreaming about himself  in my dream he is looking different it's showing like he will go away but I don't know Where's go? 

Every I wake up at morning I am alwasy ask to my self "why " "what that mean ?" and Im scared " "God take care him for me,..."
Beside that I have other bf (boyfriend) his name is "J" he is 18 years old, not really old for me I am 17 this year. I liked him but not like the first boy I find, Im not find it, he was add me he say that Im the first girl friend he have in 1000 friends he have... Im suprised and ya it was nice to talk with him... 
It will be nice to show his photo on here :) : ↓↓

opss I can't show it's
[he is from India]

But today I know that he is really love his gf (girlfriend) and ya Im happy too , but beside that happiness Im sad..

--See you next time-- ^^